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Category: Roulette

Studying Dealer Signatures

By watching a roulette dealer’s style, can you predict where the ball will land? By Frank Scoblete   Casino dealers often fall into their own natural rhythm when they deal. This holds true not only with card games, but with other contests such as roulette. They tend to pick up the ball and spin it […]


There’s more to the game than you might think   Roulette is a fun and exciting game that’s fairly simple to play.  Just pick a number and cross your fingers. But the obvious simplicity of the game hides an interesting and intricate design, and an unusual history. Here are 10 things that you might not […]


A newbie’s guide to table games By Frank Scoblete   Many new casino players approach the casino experience with a dash, dab or cartload of anxiety, while brand-new players can be frozen with terror. Newbies have fears: How are these games played? How do I get chips? How do I bet? Will other players yell […]


The pros and cons of our favorite table games By Frank Scoblete   It is important for those of you who play casino games to under- stand the pro aspects of the games you enjoy playing (or wish to enjoy playing) as well as the con aspects. I have not delineated the carnival games as […]


Electronic offerings bring something new to table games   When you think of table games, what are the first things that come to mind? Maybe it’s how the cards felt, the roll of the dice, or roulette dealer calling “No more bets!” as ball descends toward the numbers, or simply the stacking or riffling of […]


What you don’t know about Roulette could cost you By Frank Scoblete   Think you know everything there is to know about roulette? Here are a few reader questions and my answers about the popular table game. JAGGY Have you ever started out your day without any intention of going to a casino? My wife […]


Questions about electronic roulette By Frank Scoblete   There is some movement on the part of some slot players over to electronic games such as roulette, craps, baccarat and blackjack among others. Most slot players are just nibbling at the games, but some have thrown themselves whole hog into them. Over the next few issues […]


There’s More To Roulette Than You Might Think   Roulette is a fun and exciting game that’s fairly simple to play. Just pick a number and cross your fingers. But the obvious simplicity of the game hides an interesting and intricate design, and an unusual history. Here are ten things that you might not know […]


Questions and answers about roulette By Frank Scoblete   JAGGY ASKS: Have you ever started out your day without any intention of going to a casino? My wife and I had decided to do some house cleaning and some painting of our two decks. Well that all changed when our son, John asked if we […]

Taking On The Tables

Best strategies for the top four table games By Frank Scoblete   Let’s take a short look at all of them: BLACKJACK There are four table-games that many players tend to enjoy playing in the casinos: blackjack, craps, roulette, and baccarat/ mini-baccarat. Each one has decisions dealing with what strategies to play, how to play […]

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