jQuery(function ($) { "use strict"; $('form.checkout').on('change', 'input[name="payment_method"]', function () { var t = {updateTimer: !1, dirtyInput: !1, reset_update_checkout_timer: function () { clearTimeout(t.updateTimer) }, trigger_update_checkout: function () { t.reset_update_checkout_timer(), t.dirtyInput = !1, $(document.body).trigger("update_checkout"); } }; t.trigger_update_checkout(); }); $('document').ready(function(){ $('input[name="wt_coupon_to_do"]').on('change',function() { var val = $(this).val(); if( val == 'gift_to_a_friend' ) { $('.gift_to_friend_form').show() } else { $('.gift_to_friend_form').hide() } }); $(document).on("click",'.cart_page.wt-single-coupon.active-coupon, .checkout_page.wt-single-coupon.active-coupon, .my_account.wt-single-coupon.active-coupon, .my_account_page.wt-single-coupon.active-coupon', function(){ var coupon_code = $(this).find('code').text(); var coupon_id = $(this).attr('data-id'); $('div.wt_coupon_wrapper, div.wt-mycoupons, .div.wt_store_credit').each(function(){ if($(this).find('.wt-single-coupon').length) { wt_block_node($(this)); } }); var data = { 'action' : 'apply_coupon_on_click', 'coupon_code' : coupon_code, 'coupon_id' : coupon_id, '_wpnonce' : WTSmartCouponOBJ.nonces.apply_coupon }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: true, url: WTSmartCouponOBJ.ajaxurl, data: data, success: function (response) { if ( $( '.woocommerce-cart-form' ).length != 0 ) { update_cart(true); // need only for cart page } wt_unblock_node( $( 'div.wt_coupon_wrapper' ) ); wt_unblock_node($("div.wt-mycoupons")); wt_unblock_node($("div.wt_store_credit")); $( '.woocommerce-error, .woocommerce-message, .woocommerce-info' ).remove(); show_notice( response ); $(document.body).trigger("update_checkout"); $( document.body ).trigger("applied_coupon"); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(".woocommerce").offset().top }, 1000); } }); }); $('.credit_history').on('click',function( e ){ e.stopPropagation(); }) }); var show_notice = function( html_element, $target ) { if ( ! $target ) { $target = $( '.woocommerce-notices-wrapper:first' ) || $( '.cart-empty' ).closest( '.woocommerce' ) || $( '.woocommerce-cart-form' ); } $target.prepend( html_element ); }; /** * Function directly using from cart.js by woocommmerce * @param {bool} preserve_notices */ var update_cart = function( preserve_notices ) { var $form = $( '.woocommerce-cart-form' ); wt_block_node( $form ); wt_block_node( $( 'div.cart_totals' ) ); // Make call to actual form post URL. $.ajax( { type: $form.attr( 'method' ), url: $form.attr( 'action' ), data: $form.serialize(), dataType: 'html', success: function( response ) { update_wc_div( response, preserve_notices ); }, complete: function() { wt_unblock_node( $form ); wt_unblock_node( $( 'div.cart_totals' ) ); } } ); } /** * function directley used from cart.js by wooocommerce * @param { jQuery object } node */ var wt_block_node = function( node ) { node.addClass( 'processing' ).block( { message: null, overlayCSS: { background: '#fff', opacity: 0.6 } } ); } /** * function directley used from cart.js by wooocommerce * @param {jQuery object} $node */ var wt_unblock_node = function( $node ) { $node.removeClass( 'processing' ).unblock(); }; /** * * @param {string} html_str * @param {bool} preserve_notices */ var update_wc_div = function( html_str, preserve_notices ) { var $html = $.parseHTML( html_str ); var $new_form = $( '.woocommerce-cart-form', $html ); var $new_totals = $( '.cart_totals', $html ); var $notices = $( '.woocommerce-error, .woocommerce-message, .woocommerce-info', $html ); // No form, cannot do this. if ( $( '.woocommerce-cart-form' ).length === 0 ) { window.location.href = window.location.href; return; } // Remove errors if ( ! preserve_notices ) { $( '.woocommerce-error, .woocommerce-message, .woocommerce-info' ).remove(); } if ( $new_form.length === 0 ) { // If the checkout is also displayed on this page, trigger reload instead. if ( $( '.woocommerce-checkout' ).length ) { window.location.href = window.location.href; return; } // No items to display now! Replace all cart content. var $cart_html = $( '.cart-empty', $html ).closest( '.woocommerce' ); $( '.woocommerce-cart-form__contents' ).closest( '.woocommerce' ).replaceWith( $cart_html ); // Display errors if ( $notices.length > 0 ) { show_notice( $notices ); } } else { // If the checkout is also displayed on this page, trigger update event. if ( $( '.woocommerce-checkout' ).length ) { $( document.body ).trigger( 'update_checkout' ); } $( '.woocommerce-cart-form' ).replaceWith( $new_form ); $( '.woocommerce-cart-form' ).find( ':input[name="update_cart"]' ).prop( 'disabled', true ); if ( $notices.length > 0 ) { show_notice( $notices ); } update_cart_totals_div( $new_totals ); } $( document.body ).trigger( 'updated_wc_div' ); }; /** * Function directley using from woocmmerce cart.js * @param {string} html_str */ var update_cart_totals_div = function( html_str ) { $( '.cart_totals' ).replaceWith( html_str ); $( document.body ).trigger( 'updated_cart_totals' ); }; });